About Us:

Hi there!

Some 26 years ago i stumbled upon the hobby of miniature wargaming and it grabbed me instantly. Loving the sights and tactics of massed combat combined with fielding whole armies of fantasy miniatures I dove headfirst into the hobby. A couple years later some friends of mine introduced me into Dungeons and Dragons as well which got me hooked ever since the first time i played.

Ever since I've been collecting and painting miniatures with a big passion (although friends of mine are correct that the collecting side goes waaay faster than my painting!).

Around 8-10 years ago I also was introduced to 3D-printing by a friend of mine. Imagining the possibilities that this potentially could offer (producing and printing your own minis at will!) I made a promise to myself if these techniques should ever be more precise and more easily accessible for the public to venture into this creating aspect of the hobby....and well, since you're here, you're witnessing the result.

With painting miniatures being a big part of the hobby for me I find it really awesome to have such a large collection of miniatures just being a single "click" away.

Through this site I hope to be able to share this experience with you as well!  


Yours sincerely,

